The Other 99% - A blog by Build2Sustain

Build2Sustain is dedicated to sharing information about sustainable renovation and retrofit, particularly in commercial spaces. We look to foster conversation and appeal to business owners with transparent processes and a realistic focus on ROI.
Jun 8, 2010 12:18 PM ET

The Other 99%

There are 4.9 million commercial buildings in the US.   In 2009, more than 275 projects achieved LEED-EBOM certification. Compare that with only 12 certified projects in 2004, 11 in 2005, 17 in 2006, and 27 in 2007. (Stats taken from the Center for Sustainable Systems) For me it's very hard to hold those numbers in my head at the same time. And while I know it's not really a fair comparison to pit the entire commercial building stock of the US against a program that's only 6 years old, I hope I'm trying to make is clear. Existing buildings are the key to sustainability, if we are to achieve it in this country.   But this is a challenge so large, how shall we meet it? With the literally billions of square feet that need to be retrofitted throughout the country how can we possibly come up with a strategy to handle it all. When it comes to scaling sustainability I believe there are two core principles that our industry must utilize in order to do our part to solve the national energy crisis.   continue reading.