New White Paper Shares Corporate Strategies To Support Bird Populations

BETHESDA, Md., January 24, 2024 /3BL/ – WHC (Wildlife Habitat Council) offers a new white paper available for download today, Reaching New Heights in Avian Conservation | Corporate Conservation Strategies to Support Bird Populations. The white paper is sponsored by Vulcan Materials Company and is available for free on our website.
Birds are of pivotal importance to the environment and to human well-being. They exist on all seven continents across a vast range of ecoregions, and the value of the ecosystem services provided by birds cannot be understated. Unfortunately, in nearly every type of habitat, bird populations are decreasing, often due to habitat degradation. Unless interrupted, this continued loss of avian species will result in escalated impacts on pollination, seed dispersal and decomposition, with cascading impacts on the global economy and health and well-being.
Given the ubiquity of birds and the vast amount of privately owned lands around the world, conservation projects involving birds are particularly well-suited for corporations. Avian projects require varying levels of personnel involvement, money and time and can be installed across a number of different habitat types. As such, there is a suitable avian conservation project for nearly any corporate conservation program. This white paper shares the various strategies that WHC members employ at corporate sites around the world to conserve avian populations and educate the community about these critical species. Featured case studies include:
- AriensCo: AriensCo Conservation, Wisconsin, USA
- Argos: Black Vulture Management Program Martinsburg Plant, West Virginia, USA
- CEMEX: Guadalajara "Potrerillos I,II y La Presa," Jalisco, Mexico
- ExxonMobil: St. Mary’s Island, Texas, USA
- Holcim: Lafarge Presque Isle Quarry, Michigan, USA
- IBM: Silicon Valley Laboratory, California, USA
- Shell: Woodcreek Campus, Texas, USA
- Summit Materials: Cox Station Quarry Mainland Sand and Gravel, British Columbia, Canada
- Toyota: Georgetown, Kentucky, USA
- Wacker Chemical: Adrian Site, Michigan, USA
Sponsored by Vulcan Materials Company, this white paper includes a foreword stating: “At Vulcan Materials Company, we believe being a good steward of the environment is an integral component of our long-term sustainability and growth as a company. We effectively manage the impact of our operations, utilize natural resources wisely and intentionally support and protect the biodiversity of the areas where we operate.”
About WHC:
WHC (Wildlife Habitat Council) has been working at the nexus of business and biodiversity for 35 years and is the only international NGO focused exclusively on enabling private sector action for nature. WHC builds strategies and frameworks for companies to integrate nature with climate, equity and engagement to support sustainable ecosystems and healthy communities. WHC’s corporate members represent some of the leading national and multinational corporations. WHC-certified programs can be found in 19 countries and 48 U.S. states. Learn more at