mSpiration: Mobile Rockstar = Millions in Text Donations
Sep 10, 2013 11:45 AM ET

mSpiration: Mobile Rockstar = Millions in Text Donations
Your Latest mSpiration- Quick mobile ideas to mSpire your nonprofit organization to change the world one text at a time.
For this week’s mSpiration we wanted to highlight one of our own… Angela Whaley, client experience director! Angela celebrated five years with mGive last week and is the most experienced account manager in text donation industry. She has, literally, helped to create this channel as it’s grown over the years and happily shares all of her knowledge and expertise about mGive and mobile initiatives with clients and the public whenever asked. Angela started with mGive in 2008, when most nonprofits weren’t considering mobile, and teaching someone how to text was still an outrageous story. Her dream was to help grow the mobile channel for social good into an effective and safe engagement and fundraising channel. Since her pivotal first day fine-tuning mobile she has worked with hundreds of nonprofits - proving that some dreams really do come true! (mobile nerd alert you ask…maybe!?!) Don’t just take our word for it; she has worked with clients of all sizes from the big ones like American Red Cross and Alicia’s Keys’ project: Keep a Child Alive, to smaller ones like Wish Upon a Hero Foundation. Like what they are doing? Yeah, so do we! It’s safe to say, she is a beloved and valuable member of our team here at mGive; we like to call her our resident mobile rockstar! It wouldn’t be a true mSpiration if we didn’t have Angela impart some of her mobile wisdom, so here are some mTips for you:- Focusing on mobile fundraising alone is like finding $10 on the ground and screaming “YES! This is it! I’m searching for anonymous bills only.” She recommends nonprofits acquire and cultivate relationships to drive better fundraising. <3
- When was the last time you donated to a poster or sign alone?
- “Perfect” is not a compliment, it is an expectation. This relates to many things in life!
- “Can’t” is the new “won’t.” Makes you think about the last time you said that, doesn’t it?
- Oh opt-in the places you’ll go!
- Her fish Bowser keeps her company at work - but there’s nothing fishy about it!
- She gets street cred around the office for her Angela-isms that pertain to life, mobile or anything really. (See above for a few of them).
- She has a moderate obsession with meme’s. If it will make you LOL, she probably already has it saved in her “GIFness” folder. (She really does have one!)