Lab Week 2024 - Javarus Smith

Quest colleagues from coast-to-coast marked Lab Week 2024 with a week full of activities to celebrate our medical laboratory professionals and pathologists. As part of the celebration, we also featured highlights of the professional journeys of Quest colleagues from across the country.
From Route Service Representative (RSR) to Logistics Manager
Nearly 12 years at Quest
Southeast Region – Atlanta, Ga
Q: What did you initially want out of your career?
Javarus: I came to Quest because I believed in the work that we do.
Q: How has what you wanted changed over the years?
Javarus: My passion is still the same. Knowing that what we do affects patients’ lives is what keeps me going.
Q: Did you ever take any risks with taking on a new role, and were you encouraged to move into different roles or did you move on your own?
Javarus: I got lucky. The operation I started in was a really small operation. Quest acquired another lab and onboarded a huge hospital system as I was starting and so I was able to learn more. I made myself available to come in early and work late. I worked as needed on the weekends and holidays for the first 3-4 years. I learned stops and routes that weren’t on my route. I did it just to be able to help out but, that began my career progression.
Q: What tools or offerings from Quest did you utilize to help you in your career progression? (tuition reimbursement, EMPower trainings, etc.)
Javarus: I’ve completed LQSMA and I use EMPower as often as I can. I do plan on utilizing the tuition reimbursement in the near future.
Q: What advice would you give to someone who desires more from their current career?
Javarus: Be flexible. I tell my team all the time if they are willing to learn more and even relocate, Quest has limitless opportunities. I helped one of my RSRs transfer to another region, and within 3 years he was a supervisor. That is one of my proudest accomplishments.
Q: Which of our 5Cs do you connect with most, and why? (Customer First, Care, Collaboration, Continuous Improvement, Curiosity)
Javarus: Honestly, I think all of them. I always keep a line of communication open with clients. I’m genuine in my efforts when it comes to working with my team and collaborating with other functions. My team and I are always looking at ways to do something better. We routinely optimize our own routes to ensure we are being as effective as possible. And as far as curiosity, I’m always trying and willing to learn more.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share?
Javarus: Encourage people to find an EBN that fits them. I am the Community Outreach Chair for ABL. It is fulfilling work that helps me stay grounded at Quest.