Insights From the Purpose Collaborative: Predictions for 2023

It’s clear that business leaders, employees, investors, and communities know the pressure is on. So, we asked members of the Purpose Collaborative to share their insights for the year ahead.
Jan 13, 2023 10:00 AM ET

Read the full article in Fast Company here.

Purpose is under pressure.

Last year, we said 2022 would bring a “great reckoning” for corporate purpose—and it did. ESG commitments made headlines and came under fire. Urgency around climate action accelerated as progress failed to cool our planet. Employees shuffled between companies in search of greater meaning, pay, and balance. Twelve months later, we’re left feeling unsettled, but sure of one thing: When a strategy like purpose causes this much tension and change throughout the global economy, it’s for a good reason. Continue reading.