How to Score a Recycling Touchdown for Sunday's Big Game

It’s official – the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are headed to the big game on Sunday. Since most of us will be watching from home this year, it is more important than ever to be mindful of the waste generated by game-day snacking. Beer cans, plastic bottles, and some takeout containers can be recycled if you toss them correctly.
In 2018, Republic Services processed 6.4 million tons of recyclables – enough to fill more than 48 football fields! Avoid recycling penalties by following the below guidelines:
Aluminum Cans: If you’re looking to drink a zillion beers like our friends at Barstool Sports on game day, be sure to recycle your cans. Proper recycling of aluminum cans is critical for our planet and our economy. Plus, one recycled can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours – that’s an entire football game.
Pizza Boxes: Pizza boxes are made from corrugated cardboard, and only clean paper can be made into new products. Once a pizza box is soiled with grease and cheese, the cardboard is no longer recyclable. It can contaminate other recyclables when placed in the bin. If the top half of your pizza box is oil-free, you can tear it off and recycle that part. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out!
Plastic & Glass Bottles: Plastic bottles are completely recyclable, as are plastic takeout containers, so long as they are empty, clean, and dry. Glass bottles can be recyclable but check with your local recycling provider first to make sure that service is offered in your area. If glass isn’t recyclable in your area, you can repurpose it with a fun at-home craft. Pro tip: rinse and dry these bottles before recycling. Additionally, caps are too small to be recycled on their own.
Paper Plates and Napkins: Like pizza boxes, these items are not recyclable when soiled with food and liquid. Choose reusable or biodegradable items instead.
Plastic Utensils: Unfortunately, not everything made of plastic is recyclable, and recycling plastic utensils is completely dependent on your local facility, so check with your service provider.
Foam Takeout Containers: Foam containers, condiment packets, and plastic bags are all recycling fouls. None of these can go into your recycling bin. It is best to throw these in the trash or try to repurpose them at home.
No matter if you’re a diehard Chiefs fan or if you’re rooting for the Buccaneers, we’re all on the same team when it comes to the future of our Blue Planet. For more information, visit