Here’s What It Takes To End World Hunger.

Hint: It’s not about dropping food from planes.
Nov 13, 2023 8:00 AM ET

One in ten people go to bed hungry every night. Hunger’s key drivers— climate change, conflict, and chronic inequality—are on the rise.

Hunger is sweeping the entire globe, with drought and death in the Horn of Africa, a refugee crisis in Central America, climate shocks throughout Southeast Asia, and so much more. The next year is unpredictable, and we can only guess at how hunger will ramp up. But it’s not too late to think ahead.

Hunger is often portrayed as unsolvable or untreatable, but this is not the case. It might be easy to think that way—we’re all too familiar with depressing ads showcasing suffering families. These clips often leave viewers with unanswered questions about how to address the issue’s root cause. They tug at the heartstrings—but often use exploitative depictions of families and only highlight short-term, unsustainable responses.

Today, we are telling a different story. We believe in collaboration not exploitation; long-term solutions, not temporary fixes; and working hand-in-hand with communities to solve hunger. We empower people by providing the resources they need to end hunger for good.

The global hunger crisis is an age-old problem, but we’re tackling it with new, innovative solutions. We’re pioneering everything from a smartphone app that detects malnutrition with just a photo to satellite imagery that provides real-time guidance for herders looking for greener pastures.

Ending hunger clears the way for global progress. It’s an investment in our shared future: every $1 spent on hunger can deliver up to $35 in economic growth.

It is possible to address hunger, but we need the will to act. Unless we make changes, more than two million children will die this year from hunger’s deadly effects.

That statistic can become history. Together, we can create a world where every life is well-nourished. Be part of the story: let’s end hunger for everyone, for good.

About Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger leads the global movement to end hunger. We innovate solutions, advocate for change, and reach 28 million people every year with proven hunger prevention and treatment programs. As a nonprofit that works across 55 countries, our 8,900 dedicated staff members partner with communities to address the root causes of hunger, including climate change, conflict, inequity, and emergencies. We strive to create a world free from hunger, for everyone, for good.