GMO Showdown

State ballot measure requiring labeling of genetically engineered items divides North Coast's organic, traditional farmers and food producers
Jun 17, 2012 10:45 AM ET
Albert Straus with some of his heifers at the Straus Family Creamery near Marshall, the first certified organic dairy on the West Coast. Straus supports a state proposition on the November ballot that would require food made from genetically modified ingredients be labeled as such.

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A measure that has qualified for the November ballot will ask California voters to decide whether foods produced through genetic engineering must have disclosure labels.

The issue has farmers, grocers, scientists and foodies taking up sides, including some in Sonoma County whose livelihoods depend on agriculture — setting up a fall election campaign that promises to be expensive, emotional and full of hyperbole about food safety.

Continue reading about Straus Family Creamery's position on labeling Genetically Engineered food products in California.