Fair Trade USA Successfully Working With Brands To Ensure Ethical Apparel Production

Originally published by Fashion Times
Bay Area-based nonprofit Fair Trade USA works across a wide range of industries to ensure ethical production of consumer products. The group's Fair Trade Apparel program, which was established in 2012, grew an astonishing 358% in 2014.
With recent the garment factory tragedies around the world, Fair Trade USA is offering actual solutions for many brands to help address supply chain issues. The group gives garment industry workers a voice, and ensures the safety of laborers and artisans around the world. The company just certified the first Fair Trade factory in the U.S., which is located in Los Angeles.
We recently spoke with Director of Apparel at Fair Trade USA, Maya Spaull, to learn about Fair Trade certification, international factory safety standards, ethically-sources brands and more.
Continue on to full article in Fashion Times: http://www.fashiontimes.com/articles/21360/20150605/fair-trade-apparel-successfully-working-brands-ensure-ethical-fashion-production.htm