Creating an Action Agenda for Private-Sector Leadership on Climate Change

This year, 2015, is a pivotal one for climate change. Representatives of 196 governments are expected to conclude a new global agreement in Paris in December that substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mobilizes finance in support of low emissions development, and creates a pathway for long-term decarbonization. BSR is working to shape this emerging landscape and equip businesses to seize this window of opportunity through our Business in a Climate-Constrained World strategy.
“Creating an Action Agenda for Private-Sector Leadership on Climate Change” provides an update to our 2014 report, “Business in a Climate-Constrained World: Catalyzing a Climate-Resilient Future Through the Power of the Private Sector.”
The updated report outlines BSR’s strategy to mobilize our business network, global reach, industry insights, and issue expertise in support of sustained business action on climate change. Our approach includes the translation of climate risk for business, stabilization of the climate system through resilience wedges, and collaboration across business sectors and stakeholder groups.
Join the conversation on Twitter at #BSRclimate and at in-person events scheduled in late May and early June in Europe for the BSR Spring Forum Series 2015.