Comerica, Triumph Church Partner to Meet Community Needs

In the time of great need, so many philanthropic, community and religious organizations have become a crucial resource helping and supporting individual and families as they face numerous struggles during the pandemic.
One of the important resources in Detroit is Triumph Church, located at 2760 East Grand Blvd.
Every Friday, Triumph has hosted the church’s Crisis Care Grocery Giveaway to provide food and other COVID-related relief to those in need. On September 25, Comerica joined its effort and supported their outreach to bridge the food security gap for approximately 1,000 families.
The drive also distributed personal protective equipment (PPE) along with free groceries.
Earlier this year, Comerica partnered with the Triumph's Tablet Giveaway in helping metro Detroit students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade bridge the digital divide to ensure their ability to learn virtually.
Triumph distributed 1,000 free tablets and keyboards.
“We have to make sure that our children are going to be prepared to confront the challenges that lie ahead,” Triumph Church Pastor Solomon Kinloch, Jr. said. “Every generation has the responsibility to prepare, equip and empower the generation that is currently coming up to make sure they can carry on long after we are gone."
For additional information regarding Triumph’s outreach, visit