CNBC Chats With Booster on the Heels of $125M Raise
Mobile fueling company is working to make renewable fuels more accessible

CNBC's Lora Kolodny, Tech Reporter, spoke with Booster founder and CEO Frank Mycroft to learn more about what the mobile fueling company is doing on the heels of its $125 milliom Series D funding announcement.
“While Mycroft is self-aware and doesn’t bill his company as a pure climate solution, the CEO says he looks for every opportunity to reduce the negative impacts of transportation on the environment, and to help communities become climate resilient," Kolodny writes in her article, Booster is making renewable fuels accessible in ways a gas station cannot.
The company is also looking ahead to mobile electric vehicle charging, which "should develop into big business for Booster over time." But many companies remain challenged by the costs and availability of coverting their fleets to electric vehicles, so "for now, Booster is convincing customers with traditional, diesel-burning trucks to try renewable diesel or biodiesel which is made from spent cooking oil or other plant-based blends."