CSX's Commitment to the Environment

At CSX, we recognize the importance of preserving and protecting the environment, now and for the generations that follow. We are constantly focused on improving operational efficiencies in order to reduce potential impacts to our air, land and water. The company has set specific environmental performance goals in several key areas, and we work diligently to meet them.
Our corporate environmental policy lays out the expectations that every CSX employee throughout the organization is expected to understand and practice every day. Employees are required to follow environmental laws, regulations and CSX best practices to conduct business in a safe and responsible manner. Further, our employees are empowered to take action in situations that pose a potential threat to the environment.
The company is also committed to reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all our operations. Rail is approximately four times more energy-efficient than other transportation methods — one CSX train can transport a ton of freight 470 miles on a single gallon of fuel. We have invested more than $1.75 billion in the last decade to update our fleet with newer, more efficient locomotives and technologies. We've also implemented aggressive hazardous waste reduction goals and are working to reduce our water consumption.