2012 Corporate Philanthropy Summit

A unique annual gathering of senior corporate giving officials at Fortune 500 companies to learn and network:
- The first analysis of 2011 corporate giving trends data, June 5th, at what is always our best-attended session.
- Keynote speakers Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ and Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post Media Group President and Editor-in-Chief.
- The announcement of and a discussion among the 2012 Excellence Awards winners–including two Fortune 500 CEOs and an executive director of a national nonprofit.
- The release of a guide to global giving, June 6th, which stands to change the way corporate contributions are tracked.
- Opportunities to socialize with your corporate giving peers through table discussions, and multiple networking sessions.
Visit the Summit website to view a list of current participants and the agenda.
CECP is grateful to the sponsors who make this event possible: Alcoa, Allstate, Citi, GE, ING, KPMG, Merck, Microsoft, Newman’s Own Foundation, PNC, PWC, State Farm Insurance, and Verizon.
Follow the conversation on twitter #CPSummit.