A Baby Goat and Two Pieces of PVC Pipe

Jul 23, 2013 4:00 PM ET
Photo and video credit to Star.com

Beyond the Apron Blog

Graham LaForge had a visitor. He turned around from his work in Tool Rental to see a tiny white billy goat gamboling through the aisles of The Home Depot in Ottawa. He was there to see Graham.

Forrest the billy goat was born with deformed hind legs, making it impossible for him to walk on his own. Knowing Forrest’s chance at a healthy, happy life was slim, Forrest’s caregiver came to Home Depot determined to find a fix. That’s when she met Graham.

Together they fashioned two pieces of PVC pipe as leg braces and just a few weeks later, here Forrest was, walking through the aisles all on his own.

Today, Forrest’s leg braces are off. He’s a healthy, 20-pound goat who loves running, jumping and most of all, cuddling with the caregiver who saved his life – all with a little help from Home Depot.

Check out our four-legged friend in action