Applied Materials Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Day of the Girl

This October, Applied Materials employees from around the world joined together to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Day of the Girl by volunteering time, talent and experience.
To kick off the celebration, employees from across the United States logged into a virtual learning session with Girls Empowerment Network. We learned that despite the obstacles faced during the pandemic, girls’ self-confidence and grit are supporting them to achieve their goals. After attending the webinar, employees took action: packing kits for afterschool educators, introducing youth to STEM through hands-on workshops and attending celebratory events to raise funds for local girl-serving organizations.
In Silicon Valley, employees created “thank you” packages for TechBridge Girls’ afterschool educators. As part of the exercise, we learned the importance of sharing the stories of “hidden figures” in history – women and non-binary individuals whose contributions to math, science and society have changed the world. Sharing examples of women of color who have impacted history gives girls confidence that they can be the next generation of innovators in tech.
Employees in Hillsboro, Oregon attended Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest’s Day of the Girl luncheon, where they learned how programs in the area are helping girls persist through challenges by facilitating connections with peers, building leadership skills, and creating a positive environment where girls can thrive.
In Austin, Texas, volunteers from Applied’s Hispanics in Partnership and Women’s Professional Development Network employee resource groups led a workshop at the Latinitas Future Chicas conference, introducing Latina girls to semiconductor technology. Applied’s Karen Courter, Managing Director, Human Resources, served as the event’s keynote speaker, reminding girls to always be themselves. Employees also attended the GirlStart Luncheon, where they heard moving remarks from the organization’s new Executive Director, Shane Woods, who issued a call to action to support Black women leaders in industry and the community.
In Taiwan, Applied’s Nikki Chang, Ph.D., Senior Product Marketing Manager, joined a panel at the annual Asian Girls Campaign hosted by The Garden of Hope Foundation, inspiring girls to fulfill their potential. And looking ahead, we are excited to sponsor the Shavot National Girls Week (December 11 – 15) in Israel. During the week, over 100,000 high school students will meet with successful women from the public and private sectors, including Applied Materials employees, who will encourage them to pursue their dreams in STEM and beyond.
Through these acts of service, we are showing girls that with tenacity and purpose, anything is possible.