2020 Schneider Sustainability Impact Scores 9.32/10

Methodological note
The SSI provides, on a scoring scale of 10, an overall measure of the Group’s progress on its sustainability goals. This is done by converting each KPI’s performance on a 10-point scale, considering that base year performance receives a 3/10 score, and the 2020 objective translates in a 10/10 score. For each KPI, the relevant score is obtained by linear interpolation, and rounded down to the second decimal. By construction, the score of an indicator cannot exceed 10/10, and cannot be lower than 0/10. The overall score of the tool is the average of each KPI’s score with equal weight. An external auditor provides a limited assurance on the KPIs of the SSI – including the review of the processes used to consolidate the different KPIs. Quarterly results are also available on the Group’s website. Each year, the SSI performance impacts short-term incentive plans for more than 60,000 managers (20% of collective share).