2009 in Review: Public Opinion on the Environment - A blog by Nathan Schock

Nathan Schock writes for his personal blog, http://www.greenwaycommunique.com, which is the primary hub for communicating, learning and bringing together other people who do the same.
Jan 11, 2010 12:32 PM ET

2009 in Review: Public Opinion on the Environment

When I looked back on mytweets for 2009, I found a lot on polls and surveys regarding public opinion on the environment. Much of it was conflicting, so it's not surprising that people are confused.

  But when you look back at the data in total you have to come to the conclusion that it was not a particularly good year for environmental advocates in the arena of public opinion. The economic downturn pushed environmental issues further down the public priority list while belief in and concern about global warming declined despite the ubiquity of the subject in the news.   Considering how important this subject is to sustainability communications, I've added a section of links to this info on the sidebar and undertook a recap of the major polls on the subject from 2009:   On December 23, Quinnipiac University released a poll finding that "most voters say the U.S. should not sign a treaty promising to reduce greenhouse gases, or should not sign such a treaty unless other nations do the same."   continue reading.