Toyota Donating Engineers Instead Of Money, Reducing Wait Times By 80%

Aug 14, 2013 2:30 PM ET

Original article by David Russell Schilling on industry tap

In the United States major corporations give large amounts of money to nonprofit organizations each year. In a recent year Walmart gave $342 million in cash and $616 million in products, Goldman Sachs Group, $337 million in cash, Exxon Mobil Corporation, $232 million cash and $2 million in products, Wells Fargo $213 million in cash and Chevron Corporation, $209 million in cash. These are large amounts of money and represent anywhere from 0.4% to 4.1% of profits. One question: how efficiently is this money spent?

New Trend In “Lending A Helping Hand”

A new trend among corporations is providing knowledge and know-how in the form of trained and experienced personnel who troubleshoot problems in nonprofit organizations to help them run operations more efficiently and provide better services and outcomes to their constituents.

Toyota Corporation, one of the most successful corporations of the past quarter century, is well-known for its efficient manufacturing and streamlined operations. Toyota is by no means perfect, but the overall record is impressive. Not many know it, but Toyota Corporation now provides consulting services for organizations and companies outside the auto industry. Much like General Electric’s diversification of its business in the 1980′s and 1990′s, Toyota too is expanding its portfolio. While this new business has been a success for Toyota, they are also offering the same consulting services to nonprofit organizations for free.

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Original source industry tap.