Saipem Sustainability 2017 Looks Towards the Saipem of Tomorrow and Its Future Strategy

Saipem’s 12th Sustainability Report detailing the Company’s commitments and achievements in key areas in 2017 and how it is equipped to deal with new emerging scenarios is now online
Jun 12, 2018 5:00 AM ET

Saipem’s 12th Sustainability Report detailing the Company’s commitments and achievements in key areas in 2017 and how it is equipped to deal with new emerging scenarios is now online

Saipem released its 12th Sustainability Report, marking a 60-year extraordinary journey of innovative approaches in response to the challenges posed by the evolution of global scenarios. Saipem Sustainability 2017 is the operative tool to measure the Company’s performance and to increasingly dialogue with all its stakeholders. This is reflected in the way Saipem communicates and in the willingness to show how it creates economic and social value: through long-term vision together with its three cornerstones - ethics, competence and technology.

Opening with the role of tomorrow’s Saipem in creating value based on the evolution of global scenarios, Saipem Sustainability 2017 takes an in-depth look at the most significant issues for the sustainability of the business, identified with the help of almost 5,000 stakeholders involved in the materiality analysis. Each contributes to answering the following questions: How does Saipem guarantee a safe environment to ensure people’s safety during its operations? How is Saipem equipped to be a responsible and competitive business player in the long-term? What solutions is Saipem adopting to minimise the environmental impact of its operations? What is Saipem doing to build and maintain a talented and healthy workforce?


  • Around € 9 billion in revenues
  • Over 35,000 employees, 76 % of which are local, representing 115 different nationalities operating in 67 countries
  • Over 26,000 vendors and over € 6 billion of goods and services ordered (64% of which ordered locally)
  • € 31 million in R&D expenditure
  • The economic value generated is more than € 8 billion
  • Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Europe Indices and in the FTSE4Good Series Index for the 8th year running
  • A new Saipem division was created, XSight, dedicated to high added value engineering services
  • A new Vision and Mission were conceived, aligned with the role of the Saipem of tomorrow
  • Saipem continues to maintain its comprehensive commitment to respecting and promoting the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and concrete effort to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Feel free to also browse the new website dedicated to Sustainability reporting or visit the Sustainability section of Saipem website. Further information on the important results achieved by Saipem can be found in the ‘Consolidated Non-Financial Statements’ included in the Annual Report and in the ‘2017 Saipem Sustainability Performance Indicators’.

About Saipem:
Saipem is one of the world leaders in drilling services, as well as in the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of pipelines and complex projects, onshore and offshore. The Company has distinctive competences in operations in harsh environments, remote areas and deep-waters, providing a full range of services with “EPC” and “EPCI” contracts (on a “turn-key” basis) along with unique capabilities and assets with a high technological content. With its headquarters located in Italy, Saipem employs around 35,000 people belonging to 115 nationalities and operates in almost 70 countries worldwide.

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