Honda Hops Aboard the Vehicle-to-Grid Train

By Tina Casey
Dec 10, 2013 12:00 PM ET

Originally published on TriplePundit

The electric vehicle-to-grid (V2G) movement is picking up steam. The latest example comes from Honda, which announced that it is participating in a major V2G demonstration project spearheaded by the University of Delaware. If the project bears fruit, which it is likely to do, it will provide yet another reason for commercial fleets to transition out of petroleum products and into electric vehicles: it will give them an opportunity to make money.

We’ve already noted a Massachusetts Institute of Technology study showing that conversion from diesel to electric trucks could save fleet owners a substantial amount of money, once the potential for V2G earnings is factored in. Now let’s see what UDel and Honda are up to.

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*Originally published December 9, 2013 by TriplePundit