Ethical Sourcing Forum, March 29-30 2012 in New York

Driving Change, Supplying Value
Nov 30, 2011 12:30 PM ET

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) November 30, 2011 - For over 10 years the Ethical Sourcing Forum - the premier industry event for building sustainable supply chains - has been bringing you incisive information and timely and innovative approaches to imbedding sustainability into corporate value chains.

Increasingly, high level executives are seeing sustainability in the supply chain as an essential business value driver to deliver long-term profitability and legitimacy. Through hands-on workshops and interactive panel discussions led by industry experts and best practice leaders, ESF 2012 will equip participants to proactively drive preemptive solutions, mitigate risks, improve performance and move beyond compliance with leap frog innovations and solutions. The Scope of Sustainable Supply Chains

"Scope 3." It's in the spotlight with the launch of two new GHG Protocol Accounting & Reporting Standards covering corporate value chains and product life cycles. ESF 2012 goes beyond compliance, scoping out dilemmas and solutions beyond carbon, and grappling with issues across the spectrum?fromsustainable water supplies to human rights protection.

Highlights of the conference include:

  • Risks of Human Trafficking and Slavery ? why embedding Human Rights in your supply chain makes good business sense

  • Expanding Beyond Compliance - Women's Health and Worker Engagement Programs that build sustainable value

  • Raw Material Qualification Programs ? ensuring sustainability reaches all levels of your supply chain

  • Collaborative Initiatives ? Solutions for industry specific supply chain risks

  • Scope 3 Carbon Footprint, Water Issues, and Energy Conservation ? generating tangible & measurable returns

  • Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) - How to include the "social" aspect in LCAs

  • Building Global Sustainable Supply Chains

  • Materiality and ROI of Social Auditing

The future of ethical sourcing is here now, with progress unfolding rapidly through increasing transparency and transforming social and environmental impacts from negative to positive.

ESF 2012 provides practitioners tools and knowledge to break barriers and discover innovative new products and approaches, as well asbusiness models designed for making sustainability work within your business.

Register today for our special rate of $500  
