Six Steps Towards Building a More Sustainable Organization

Feb 27, 2012 5:00 PM ET
Sunil A. Misser, CEO, AccountAbility

Six Steps Towards Building a More Sustainable Organization

The late Steve Jobs had said of design what could be applied to organizations – “Design is not just what it looks like.  Design is how it works.”

True sustainability is only possible in the presence of thoughtfully designed, adaptable, and intelligent systems. Whether in natural or anthropogenic systems, sustainability is simply an indicator of good design.

Companies are no exception. A complex, global, multicultural corporation’s ability to become sustainable will be shaped by its approach to governance and organizational design. As an aspect of sustainability strategy, organizational design is often given short shrift.  In fact, according to a recent research study, 25% of corporate executives say that their current organizational structure doesn’t support accountability for sustainability initiatives.

At AccountAbility, we work with many leading global companies to create and refine their organizational and governance structures to better support their strategies for sustainability. Take these Six Steps to better sustainability governance:  

Step 1:  Ensure that the CEO leads the charge

With any major corporate culture shift or organization change, the CEO’s visible leadership is key. The CEO needs to set the behavioral example for the organization; if he or she is not taking it seriously, and it shows, no one will. There is simply no substitute for a passionate and engaged CEO who embraces this commitment in word and action.

Step 2:  Incorporate sustainability into the Board agenda


.... visit the AccountaAbility site for the rest of the steps on Building a More Sustainable Organisation