Join CSRHub’s Cynthia Figge at Sustainable Brands New Metrics conference!

Sep 12, 2013 11:30 AM ET

As previously seen on the CSRHub blog.

CSRHub Cofounder and COO, Cynthia Figge, is speaking at the New Metrics of Sustainable Business conference sponsored by Sustainable Brands on September 24-25, 2013 at the University of Pennsylvania. Cynthia will be speaking on 2 topics:
Evening Plenary Discussion: New Metrics for Trust, Reputation and Green Brand Value
Are current leading measures of trust, reputation and brand value adequate? Up to speed with a rapidly changing landscape of stakeholders' attitudes? What co-creative efforts might assessment and data providers engage in to get to improved metrics of evolving notions of trust, reputation and brand value? How can brands stay ahead of that process?
Amy du Pon
Global Head of Data Insights, Havas Media Group

Cynthia Figge
Co-Founder, CSRHub

Denis Riney
Senior Partner, Marketing, BrandLogic

David Metcalfe
CEO & Co-Founder, Verdantix
Compare and Contrast: Sustainability Performance Ratings and Rankings
With over 100 organizations working on some kind of sustainability performance rating or ranking, how can companies decide which one(s) to focus on, or manage against? What do the people behind some of the most popular methodologies out there worry about, and is there any order to this seemingly chaotic situation? What should brands worry about in this confusing picture?
Mark Tulay
Program and Organizational Development Executive, Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR)

Toby Heaps
CEO, Corporate Knights

Bob Mann
COO, Sustainalytics

Cynthia Figge
Co-Founder, CSRHub


Register today at using the code NWSPKNM for 20% off an All Event or 1-day ticket for the conference.



Cynthia Figge is a forerunner, thought leader and speaker on the corporate sustainability movement. As the co-founder and COO of CSRHub, Cynthia's team provides free corporate sustainability ratings on over 8,400 publicly-traded and private companies worldwide. In addition to CSRHub, Cynthia is the co-founder of EKOS International, one of the first consultancies to integrate sustainability and corporate strategy. She has crafted corporate sustainability strategies for a host of major organizations, including BNSF, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Dow Jones, and REI. Cynthia also serves as an advisor to SNS Future in Review, Board Director of Compassionate Action Network, and served as President of the Board of Sustainable Seattle. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School. Prior speaking engagements in corporate responsibility have included SRI Basecamp, Future in Review, Sustainable Brands, and SRI in the Rockies.