Herbalife Nutrition and Herbalife Nutrition Foundation Support World Food Programme Relief Efforts in Guatemala
More than $333,000 Allocated to Support Communities Impacted by Hurricane Eta

Herbalife Nutrition, announced the allocation of more than $333,000 to World Food Program USA in support of the United Nations World Food Programme’s emergency response efforts in Guatemala. As part of Herbalife Nutrition’s Nutrition for Zero Hunger initiative, these funds will focus on food assistance, resilience-building and capacity-strengthening efforts in the wake of Hurricane Eta’s widespread damage to the region. Among the world’s top ten countries most vulnerable to natural hazards and climate change, Guatemala struggles with food insecurity, malnutrition, and climate shocks. In fact, forty-six percent of Guatemalan children under 5 are stunted. Guatemala’s prevalence of stunting in children under 5 is one of the highest in the world – and the highest in Latin American and the Caribbean.
"One of our company missions is to collaborate in the fight against malnutrition in Guatemala and around the world. This contribution shows Herbalife Nutrition engagement to the wellbeing of the communities we interact with and we are certain that the impact of good nutrition can change the lives of vulnerable populations affected by undernutrition," said Máximo Dolman, Vice Presidente and General Manager, Herbalife Nutrition Central and South América.
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