Head of Colorado Rocky Mountain School returns from trip to Japan

Where an alumni is continuing the legacy of community service
Nov 9, 2009 7:13 PM ET
From Jeff Leahy, CRMS Head of School: Last night I had dinner in Tokyo with Taro Tomisawa, who graduated five years ago. Taro works for the Tokyo Foundation, a non-profit that focuses on "developing policy, investing in people, and transforming society". During dinner Taro shared with me that over the course of his time at CRMS doing community service became somewhat of a habit for him. He thinks that this is one of the main values that CRMS has to share with the world, and that this sense of supporting others is not readily found elsewhere. During his time in college and his year in Tokyo he has struggled to find the same amount of opportunities that he felt were so available at CRMS. Today he works in the government area of downtown Tokyo and has taken on an important role in the Foundation - keeping his CRMS legacy alive.