GRI Launches New And Updated Services

Mar 2, 2015 8:00 AM ET

The GRI Content Index Service (new) 
GRI is launching the Content Index Service, a new service to help improve the usability and transparency of reported data in G4 reports. This is GRI’s most detailed service for G4-based reports, as it includes all of the disclosures in the GRI G4 Content Index. The Service verifies that the GRI Content Index is accurate and this helps improve the transparency and usability of GRI reports. For detailed information about the new service, please visit the GRI website.

Updates to existing services
What was formerly known as the Application Level Check (ALC) is now the GRI Application Level Service, and the ‘Materiality Matters’ check has been renamed to the GRI Materiality Disclosures Service. While the names of these services and the associated icons have changed, the methodologies and provision of these services remain the same.

The GRI Application Level Service is available for reports based on the G3 and G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. It confirms that the report contains the required set and number of disclosures to meet the reporting organization’s self-declared Application Level. This service will be available until December 2015.

The GRI Materiality Disclosures Service continues to be available for reports based on the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. The G4 Guidelines have an increased emphasis on the need for organizations to focus – in the reporting process and final report – on those topics that are material to their business and their key stakeholders. The Materiality Disclosures Service reinforces this focus and through it, GRI verifies that at the time of publication, General Standard Disclosures G4-17 to G4-27 were correctly located in both the Content Index and in the text of the final report.

GRI Services do not verify, check or pass judgment on the quality of the disclosures within a report nor the process of preparing the disclosures. That responsibility remains with the reporting organization and its stakeholders. GRI´s services are not an external assurance engagement. They are complementary to assurance, as they indicate that specific elements of the report are in line with GRI’s Guidelines. Sector-specific and non-GRI disclosures are outside of the scope of the GRI Services. For more details on the updated services as well as other available Report Services, please visit the GRI website.

Finally, GRI is launching a new handbook, Introducing the GRI Sustainability Reporting Process – A ‘How-to’ handbook for all G4 reporters. This publication provides a step by step approach to the five-phase sustainability reporting process and is based on the G4 Guidelines. The handbook includes activity checklists and case studies on each phase. It is available electronically in the GRI E-shop. Currently, the publication is available in English, but translations into several languages will be made available in 2015.