Ecocentricity Blog: Climate Solutions 101
By: John A. Lanier

Ecocentricity Blog: Climate Solutions 101
I love that moment when the curtain lifts on a play. The audience has been buzzing for the last thirty minutes, creating that baseline of energy that the performers draw upon as they make their final preparations. As audience members, we feel the energy too. On both sides of the curtain, anticipation builds. The lights dim. Stragglers hurry to their seats. A hushed silence falls upon the crowd, but without lessening the tension in the air. One moment passes, then another, and another. Finally, the curtain moves, and it…is…on!
That’s about how I feel right now. Just this week, Project Drawdown unveiled Climate Solutions 101, a six-part FREE video series explaining the potential we have to reverse global warming. You better believe I will be binging these videos this week! At the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, we’ve known about these videos for several months now, so our anticipation has been building. Still, I’m seeing them for the first time, just like you.
So that’s it for my blog this week, because I want you spending time with these videos. Bravo to the whole team at Project Drawdown for this tremendous contribution to the cause!
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Valerie Bennett
+1 (770) 317-5858
Ray C. Anderson Foundation
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