Colorado Tops List Of 20 Greenest Colleges In The U.S.

Put a little more green in their education
Jan 14, 2010 9:20 AM ET

20 Greenest Colleges In The U.S.

For those who are looking to put a little more green in their education, The Sierra Club has published it’s latest list of the coolest - and greenest - schools in America.

Many schools, including top universities like Harvard and Yale have heard and responded to increasing student requests to improve the environmental situation on campus.

According to, even as recently as ten years ago, college applicants were not as concerned with green policies as part of the overall higher education experience.

But today, more and more students are looking for universities that are incorporating environmental policies into their continuing commitment to the community - and the world - as a whole.

According to the Princeton Review, as many as two-thirds of the nation’s college applicants report that environmental concerns have played some part in their choice of university.

The University of Colorado at Boulder is ranked #1 on the greenest list, with University of Washington at Seattle and Middlebury College rounding out the top three.

You can read the entire Top 20 list, including individual school’s scores at Cool Schools: Third Annual List.

Several schools not only bottomed out of the list, but actually failed. Texas Tech, DePaul University and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, according to the Sierra Club list, have failed to make any environmental sustainability improvements in their university policies at all. For more details, read Three That Failed.

With environmental concerns taking on a larger role in the minds of those seeking a higher education, universities eager to compete for the brightest students will undoubtedly follow in the green footsteps of these top schools. is dedicated to our users. We focus our attention on changing the world through recycling, waste-to-energy and conservation. We reward our users for their sustainable behaviors on our website, through our Greenopolis Tracking Stations and with curbside recycling programs.


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