Colorado Rocky Mountain School Garden - End of the Season Update on the Fruits of our Labor

Nov 24, 2009 9:05 AM ET

Colorado Rocky Mountain School Blog

While there are around 300 pounds of carrots still in the ground to be dug, the bulk of the CRMS Garden harvest is completed.  This season we grew 10,320 pounds of produce--up from 6000 pounds last year.  What that means for all of us is that, until the end of the school year, we will be eating potatoes, onions, pumpkins and winter squash, which are stored in the new cold-storage area built by Jeff Schlepp. We have carrots and green beans in the freezer and will continue to grow the sprouts for the salad bar every week.   As often happens at CRMS, the garden is productive because of the efforts of many: student work crews and the teachers who supervise them; garden assistants and interns who keep the garden going in the summer; the Development Office staff who raise money for the garden and get the word out about the garden both within and beyond CRMS; students and parents who help out with the plant sale; the Business Office staff who keeps track of the funds needed to run the garden; the folks in the Maintenance Department who are always helping out in ways both large and small; the Kitchen staff who take the raw materials and transform them into wonderful meals; and the Administrators who provide the educational leadership that allows works crews to continue to be a part of the CRMS experience.

Thank you to all and enjoy eating the fruits of all our labor!   Linda Halloran, Garden Program Director (