2020 has Reinforced the Need for Transparent and Resilient Organizations
A message from the Chairman of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

It has been quite a year. During 2020 we have all had to adapt to the ‘new normal’ of life and work in an extended pandemic. At GRI, that has meant refocusing our services and engagements to met the needs of our customers, stakeholders and partners. For example, our full events program and reporter support services quickly transitioned to be fully online.
One thing COVID-19 has reinforced is the enduring importance of transparent and resilient organizations, which embrace sustainability. Understanding impacts through the power of reporting is, therefore, more crucial than ever.
Our work to deliver and improve the GRI Standards continues at pace. This year saw the launch of the Waste Standard, progress towards a new Sector Program and a review of the universal Standards. Looking ahead, three new or revised Standards – Tax, Occupational Health & Safety, and Water & Effluents – all come into effect for the 2021 reporting cycle.
There has been much discussion in 2020 about the future of sustainability reporting. From the comprehensive reporting collaboration, to the EU review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, and IFRS plans to align financial and sustainability disclosure. GRI is a strong voice through all these developments – advocating for transparency through global, independent and multi-stakeholder reporting standards.
Thank you to our strategic partners, and others, who have supported our work to drive forward corporate transparency and advance our shared vision of a sustainable future. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in 2021.
As this challenging year draws to a close, I do hope you find the time and space to relax and recharge. With greetings for the festive season from all of us at GRI.
Eric Hespenheide, GRI Chairman