2012 VolunteerMatch Corporate Volunteer Awards: A Look at Finalist Nationwide

Mar 23, 2012 4:00 PM ET

2012 VolunteerMatch Corporate Volunteer Awards: A Look at Finalist Nationwide

On May 17, 2012, winners of the 2012 VolunteerMatch Corporate Volunteer Awards will be announced at our annual VolunteerMatch Client Summit in San Francisco, CA.

In this series of posts, we’ll introduce you to the facts and folks behind the ten most effective employee volunteer programs in our family of corporate clients compared against our 2011 benchmarks.

VolunteerMatch congratulates Nationwide Insurance for its nomination for Employee Volunteer Program of the Year (Large Businesses).

Nationwide runs an exemplary volunteer program that has greatly contributed to local communities where its employees live and work. Nationwide’s On Your Side Volunteer Network was established in 2005 and focuses on “supporting emergency and basic needs, providing stabilization to people in crisis, empowering individuals and families, and enriching communities,” according to its program manager, Julie VanDeLinder.

In 2011, On Your Side Volunteer Network recorded 90,000+ volunteer hours and 6,700+ volunteer activity sign ups. Its national partners are United Way, Feeding America, and American Red Cross, as well as many local organizations around the U.S.. Among its volunteer projects in Columbus, OH where, Nationwide is headquartered, Nationwide’s employees accounted for 25% of the Mid-Ohio Foodbank and recruited 200 employees to mentor for the Columbus City Schools District. Over 50 employees also provided cyber security advice to 1,300 K-12 students. In addition, Nationwide coordinated over 650 volunteer projects across the country.

Nationwide also provides an excellent incentive program for its employees, including:

  • Employees who volunteered more than 25 hours were eligible for paid time off and their managers are notified for their service to the community.
  • 693 grants of $100 were awarded to organizations where Nationwide employees volunteered for more than 25 hours.
  • 277 associates, served on 362 boards of nonprofit organizations. These organizations received $500 grants from Nationwide.
  • Nationwide also awards one employee Volunteer of the Year, who receives a $5,000 grant and two vacation days. The other nine finalists are given $500 grants and one vacation day.
  • This year’s Volunteer of the Year and the Agent Community Awards winners all attended the National Jefferson Awards in recognition of their service.

We commend Nationwide for its service in its community and for facilitating an excellent volunteer program!

Stay tuned for more finalist profiles in the coming weeks, and announcement of the winners on May 17, 2012 during the 2012 VolunteerMatch Client Summit.