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United Nations Global Compact
Delays and disruptions in the supply of goods produced at and shipped by sea will cause significant shortages if governments don’t work together to keep global ocean-related supply chains moving during the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN Global Compact…
Sustainable Development Goals
Whirlpool Corporation
2019 was a remarkable year for Whirlpool Corporation, as they raised the bar on their commitments to sustainability. Check out this infographic summarizing their results.
Sustainable Development Goals
Antea Group
We’ve outlined the four growth stages of a successful CDP reporting season: Seed, Sprout, Sapling and Tree. Not sure where your roots lie? Read on to determine which stage applies to you.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Colegio Don Bosco De Calama recently graduated its first class of 141 students in December.

Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Pak
The closure of schools around the world due to COVID-19 risks having a major impact on the health and nutrition of school children. Key global stakeholders such as WFP (World Food Programme)​, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United…
Sustainable Development Goals
Whirlpool Corporation
Whirlpool Corporation announced in its 2019 Sustainability Report that it raised the bar on its environmental commitments and accelerated the progress of its short and long-term goals to meet or exceed the Paris Accord.
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
Each year at Tetra Tech’s annual meeting, its employees donate to a charity organization. At the 2019 annual meeting, we donated to an Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) water project in La Reforma, Guatemala.

Sustainable Development Goals
The School of Leaders: Empodérate El Loa Program, a partnership of Emprende Joven and the Minera El Abra School Fund, promotes social-emotional skills for students and provides teacher training in the Calama region of Chile.

Sustainable Development Goals
With the clock ticking on the deadline to complete the SDGs, governments need to do more to harness participation from both the public and private sectors
Sustainable Development Goals
Verizon announced support for relief efforts across communities impacted by the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Sustainable Development Goals
To further its global commitment of providing growers with the most innovative, sustainable and technically-advanced agricultural solutions, Bayer has opened its new smart, state-of-the-art, automated greenhouse facility in Marana, Ariz.
Sustainable Development Goals
Almost 50 years ago, the Nobel prize committee sent a strong signal to the world, underpinning the social value of agriculture. Norman Borlaug (1914-2009) – the father of the so-called “green revolution”, a scientist who invented disease-resistant
Sustainable Development Goals
eBay Inc.
eBay partners with local city leaders in regions across the world to develop innovative small business programs that address specific retail challenges and scale solutions to benefit entrepreneurs across different communities
Sustainable Development Goals
Business Call to Action (BCtA)
Why is it so important to include non-traditional development actors, such as the private sector, in efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs)? What can they offer that an organization like UNDP can’t?
Sustainable Development Goals
Aflac Incorporated
Aflac Incorporated today announced that it has unveiled a new environmental, social and governance website highlighting the company’s commitment to ESG initiatives important to investors, employees and consumers.
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
Tetra Tech believes in the loyalty, effort, and excellence of its employees and initiated its annual Excellence and Achievement Awards program to recognize individuals and teams for achievements that demonstrate best-in-class performance and service…
Sustainable Development Goals
Schneider Electric
2020 marks the start of the Decade of Action to deliver on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which combat poverty, inequality and injustice and climate change by 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals
The U.S. economy is continuing the continuing the longest expansion in history — unemployment is at record lows and wages are creeping up, but national averages can hide a lot of variety. Local policymakers in struggling cities certainly know this...
Sustainable Development Goals
Businesses are part of the global ecosystem. And ecosystems, by definition, require balance and diversity. They also require a point of view larger than oneself and longer than the immediate future. They require an understanding that we are stronger
Sustainable Development Goals
Over the last 75 years, we have seen more than a billion people emerge from poverty and we have witnessed the creation of a global middle class. In addition, the proliferation of digital technology over the last few decades has created new ways...
Sustainable Development Goals
This year marks just ten years to go to the deadline for completing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sustainable Development Goals
Green Mountain Energy
Wichita Falls Arts Council will be hosting a dedication ceremony as part of the Arts Alive! Home & Garden Festival to celebrate the switch from its legacy lighting to energy-efficient LED lighting of its two historic buildings: The Kemp and The…
Sustainable Development Goals
Every person deserves the opportunity for dignified employment that provides living wages and potential for advancement. However, for many in America today, this is far from reality, as they are caught in a cycle of low-wage work, earning poverty...
Sustainable Development Goals
Building Responsibly and Bechtel are working to end modern slavery on construction sites around the globe.
Sustainable Development Goals
At Essity we believe that the work aimed at fulfilling the SDGs will make the world a little better and create good business opportunities for companies around the world.
Sustainable Development Goals