What's Your New Year's Resolution?

It's that time of the year again...got any green items on your agenda?
Jan 4, 2010 10:30 AM ET

Your New Year's Resolution

Hey there party peeps! Hope everyone had a splendid New Year's Eve and Day! I want to wish you all a new year filled with joy, love, peace, happiness, success and [insert noun of your choice]. It's amazing how fast times seems to go by [in retrospect]. I always look forward to the new year because of the guaranteed fresh start. I, like many others, take it as a time to force myself to make changes. Some of these changes are somewhat simple and tangible like 'eat less pizza', and some of these are a bit more grandiose like 'live more in the moment.' And while I was thinking about some of the green items I wanted to add to my list, I thought it would be great to hear what resolutions or goals others were committing to for the coming year.

What will be on your list of resolutions? I landed in a TreeHugger forum and found others had made goals like:

  •    Buy an eco-friendly car
  • Forgo plastic straws at restaurants

  • Raise awareness about environmental issues

  • Plant a garden

As for me, it's all about the baby steps...I think this year I will try to:

  • Do more recycled art projects involving stuff just lying around the house or purchased at thrift stores

  • Conserve on my heat consumption--whether it be the temperature of the house, my shower water, the laundry water, etc.

  • Remember to keep a reusable bag(s) with me....be it in the car, my purse, etc.

  • Buy an aluminum water bottle.

  • Stop using so much paper towel

What about you...what will you be committing to this year?

By Gawky Green of Two Girls Go Green

  Greenopolis.com is dedicated to our users. We focus our attention on changing the world through recycling, waste-to-energy and conservation. We reward our users for their sustainable behaviors on our website, through our Greenopolis Tracking Stations and with curbside recycling programs.   GREENOP3739

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