Recycle Often Recycle Right

Nov 15, 2013 3:20 PM ET

How does recycling impact business and communities? We asked resident experts to help explain why recycling is important.
Saving energy and natural resources though recycling help safeguard our environment.

1 Aluminum Can saves enough energy to run a television for 1 hour, power a computer for 3 hours, or light a 100 watt bulb for 20 hours!

What is a MRF? Material Recovery Facility are found across the country, to make recycling work on a huge scale. MRF's make single stream recycling easy to mix all items in one cart.

What slows down the process of recycling? Some items can make the recyclable item no longer recyclable. To help with the process, here are some tips:
Never put food or containers with food in the recycling bin
Liquids of any kind should be emptied before they are recycled
No loose plastic bags or plastic wrap

Learn more about Waste Management sustainable goals and how we are helping the environment