If You Can't Measure It, Don't Do It

By Seth Leeds
Mar 25, 2015 12:00 PM ET

If You Can't Measure It, Don't Do It

Everyone is telling you you’ve got to do it. You’re hearing it at conferences, reading about it in articles, and being asked about it at office meetings. But when it comes to measuring your community investment and employee engagement activities, you might not know where to actually start.

Well, the short answer is that you CAN definitely do it. Don’t be overwhelmed. In fact, with all the pressure to deliver successful outcomes and impactful experiences you shouldn’t do anything that you CAN’T measure in advance.

In corporate philanthropy programs, the search to understand ‘how it went?’ or ‘should we do it again?’ has become just as much a numeric answer as a visual and figurative one. When your team presents the big check and poses for pictures, you can bet the board wants to know ‘what did we get out of it?’ So it’s time to deliver your answer with science. Read more...