The Dos and Don'ts of CR reporting

By Jane Madden
Oct 6, 2016 10:00 AM ET

The Dos and Don'ts of CR reporting

Sustainability Report. Corporate Social Responsibility (or CSR) Report. Environmental, Social and Governance (or ESG) Report.

As sustainability practitioners, we know it’s a report that goes by many names. Today, however, one element is unchanging: Reports that disclose material information on a company’s sustainability progress are no longer "nice to do." They are quickly becoming a non-negotiable "must do" that help to not only inform a company’s CR strategy but also its investment decisions and business strategies.

The rules and trends in sustainability reporting continue to change rapidly, particularly among Fortune 500 companies. As we approach the beginning of a new reporting cycle, our Corporate Responsibility team took some time to reflect on the trends that are worth replicating, as well as the challenges companies still face.

Original article available on GreenBiz: Read more about CR reporting here.

Jane Madden is the head of U.S. Corporate Responsibility at global PR firm Burson-Marsteller. She brings 25 years of experience as an authority on CR strategy, ESG performance and communications.