Survey: CEOs See Sustainability Shifting From Discretionary Choice to Corporate Priority - A blog by Aman Singh

Aman Singh is the CSR Editor at, where she focuses on how corporate diversity practices and sustainability translate into recruitment and strategic development. Her blog, In Good Company, discusses on many of these issues.
Jun 23, 2010 6:21 PM ET

Survey: CEOs See Sustainability Shifting From Discretionary Choice to Corporate…

In Good Company debuted a little over a year ago with a broad focus in mind: To track how corporate responsibility and sustainability evolves at companies and explore how they along with academic institutions react to increasing demand for accountability and transparency in the marketplace. Along the way, we also hoped to analyze and throw some perspective on how all this plays out for graduating students, for mid-career professionals and the maturity of companies as corporate citizens. As a result, in the past months, we've asked many questions, hosted several polls, and reported on a multitude of surveys and analyses—each managing to address distinct aspects and stakeholders in the CSR discussion.

Yesterday, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and consulting firm Accenture released findings of a survey, finally comprehensive enough in its scope that addresses every stakeholder in the market, i.e., employees, consumers, recruiters, executives, students, entrepreneurs, nonprofits as well as government regulators and advocates. The survey population: 766 CEOs from leading global companies (156 from North America)with the largest representation from the "Professional Services" industry (18%) followed by consumer products at 14%.

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