Marketing Conservation: Biribireba Generates Buzz in Ghana

Oct 27, 2011 11:18 AM ET
Campaign: Biribireba

(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) October 27, 2011 - Biribireba is a new radio drama to promote conservation that began airing this month in Coastal Ghana. The drama is part of a three-pronged program -- radio serial drama, interactive talk show and community mobilization campaign -- to promote coastal resource management in the region.  The campaign uses social marketing strategies to turn-up the volume on the important issues addressed in the show and make it easy for listeners to adopt the behavior changes role-modeled in the drama. Our local partners also use marketing and communications to connect audience members with additional information and services related to the program. The program team designed a number of materials to promote Biribireba (featured in the photos to the right).  Next the team will implement a series of community mobilization activities that build upon their knowledge of social marketing to reinforce the drama’s behavior change messages.
