It All Starts at the Top: Why the Fashion Industry Needs To Embrace Equity in the Boardroom

Apr 14, 2023 7:49 AM ET
Campaign: Leadership
Group of people in a meeting looking cheerful

While 80% of garment workers are women, 75% of CEO roles within the textile and apparel sector are held by men. To give ourselves the best opportunity to solve the multiple crises we face, we need more women leaders because gender equity is critical to achieving our long term success as an industry, and will enable us to thrive as a global community.

In her latest blog, Amina Razvi, CEO of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition shares her insights on why an increase in diverse voices across all levels of an organization and thoughts on how we can address the rising trend dubbed the "Great Breakup" that has seen women leaving executive leadership positions in droves.

Read her blog post, titled: It all starts at the top: why the fashion industry needs to embrace equity in the boardroom on the SAC website.